Super Mario: Level Up! Board Game

Super Mario: Level Up! Board Game

Current Offers for Super Mario: Level Up! Board Game

Model Number: LU005-191
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  • Rating


  • # Players

    3 - 6

  • Playtime

    10 Minutes

  • Age


  • Year Published


Game Description

In Super Mario Level Up! join Mario and his pals as you advance them up the Mushroom Kingdom while challenging other players to gather the most coins and reach the castle at the top.

Each player starts with a unique line-up of characters that they are trying to score the most points with. Players take turns moving any character up the board until a character gets to the top.

Once a character is advanced to the top board, players vote to see if the character stays or is kicked off the Mushroom Kingdom. It takes only one NO vote to get them off the board. And players should use the NO votes wisely as each player only has two NO votes in their hand. The round ends when the character is unanimously voted to stay at the top.

Score up your points and play another round. Game ends after three rounds.

Gameplay Mechanics

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