Atari’s Centipede

Atari’s Centipede

Current Offers for Atari’s Centipede

Model Number: 1309IDW
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  • Rating


  • # Players

    2 - 4

  • Playtime

    30 Minutes

  • Age


  • Year Published


Game Description

In Atari’s Centipede, 2 or 4 players venture into the world of the classic Atari arcade game. On one side, a Player controls the Gnome, exploring the forest and trying to defeat the Centipede.

On the other side, the Centipede player, eager to destroy the Gnome, must wiggle their way to the other end of the board.

The Gnome Player rolls and spends their dice to perform actions, while the Centipede Player uses a deck of cards to spawn Fleas, Spiders and Mushrooms, trying to control the game board.

The first Player to eliminate their opponent wins the game!

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